Tosa Rector

The some time random but (mostly) theological offerings of a chatty preacher learning to use his words in a different medium.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Wednesday in the Second Week of Lent

This afternoon, I was sitting at my favorite table in the local Starbucks...the store jokingly referred to by Trinity parishioners as "The Rector's Adjunct Office". I had my nose in a book as I nibbled away on a peanut butter cookie...because I had the forethought not to give up sweets for Lent! Every now and then I'd look out the window and enjoy the sight of the clear, blue sky. The sun shone brightly. The snow was a brilliant white. Even the single digit air temperature had seemed bearable as I had walked from the church to the coffee shop. A perfect Wisconsin deep-freeze winter day.

At one point I looked up and happened to see someone at the table beside me reading (not too unusual) a Bible (VERY unusual!). My heart skipped a beat! I can't remember the last time I saw a Bible opened, outside of a church here. I'm sure there are plenty of Bible-reading folks in this part of the world, after all this is Lutheran country...but I don't get to witness the behavior as frequently as I did when I lived back East and down South.

For the next fifteen minutes I successfully resisted the urge to engage/interrupt the person in/with a conversation. He was clearly involved in doing some sort of formal study -- there was a worksheet involved -- I couldn't believe it! Not only was he reading the text, he was actually interacting with it. He scribbled notes to himself on the worksheet. I believe I saw him use a highlighter to mark a passage. I tried not to stare, but I could barely conceal my glee. Finally, I forced myself to return my attention to the book I had brought with me...and for the most part I succeeded.

Soon my table neighbor packed up his Bible and his worksheet and went on about his day. I silently wished him "Godspeed" in his studies. Seeing this gentleman engaged in Bible study reminded me of one of the key reasons I felt called to the priesthood in the first place -- to engage the people of God in a conversation with these sacred texts.

I confess that I have struggled somewhat with exactly how I am to facilitate (not dominate) that conversation in the day to day life of this parish. I won't solve that particular difficulty this evening. But I'm thankful for the witness of my anonymous Bible-reading, coffee-sipping fellow disciple...who reminded me by his presence today of the charge issued to me at my ordination -- the charge to be a "pastor, priest, and teacher" (Book of Common Prayer, page 531).

Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. (Collect for the Sunday closest to November 16, BCP, p. 236)


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