Tosa Rector

The some time random but (mostly) theological offerings of a chatty preacher learning to use his words in a different medium.

Saturday, January 08, 2011

At It Again....

Experts on the subject of creating "habits" suggest that it takes 21 days of continuous activity to firmly establish a habit as a part of one's life. Apparently, what I've managed to do for most of 2010 is create the habit of not writing on this blog! I'll spare you, dear reader, the litany of reasons why my posts have been so sparse. I excel in excuses and you have better things to do with your time.

Like diet, exercise and prayer, the discipline of writing bumps up against my perfectionistic tendencies, and leaves me pitifully tangled in the "paralysis of analysis". I never seem to want to simply write something -- I'm always going for "memorable" (or at least entertaining!). The internal critic has a field day, and in the end, writing nothing seems the most merciful thing to do for anyone who might happen upon this space.

When I first started this experiment, I was clear about all the things I wouldn't write about, but I wasn't so specific about the ways in which I would use this forum. I've experimented with various formats. Each experiment yielded some good content and some not-so-good content. I'm not much clearer now than when I started the project, but I'm not quite ready to give up on the project either So, I've given myself the opportunity to "begin again".

My plan is pretty simple at this point. Write something here every day for the next 21 days. I make no promise about the quality thereof. I'm simply re-establishing the habit. Who knows? It just might work this time.


Blogger Brad said...

A statement of good action calls for accountability. Your 21 day loan is a good one and in I will in my part I will be your accountability partner by stopping buy daily and participating in what you exploring.

11:32 AM  

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