Tosa Rector

The some time random but (mostly) theological offerings of a chatty preacher learning to use his words in a different medium.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Book Group, Anyone???

One of my favorite authors, Will Willimon, has released a new book entitled, Who will be Saved?

Here's a portion of the product description from the page:

"Who will be saved?" is almost always a question about them, and rarely about us. Thinking itself wrapped securely in the everlasting arms, the church has spent much of its history speculating on whether God will allow anyone else to join the party. One of today's most respected theologians contends that the church should stop asking "Who will be saved?" and ask instead "How is God calling me to participate in the redemption of the world?"

I know that Willimon has a way of needling the reader by his folksy style and clear way of arguing a thesis. He tends to challenge conventional Mainline Protestant squishiness by bringing us face to face with our robust theological (and biblical!) heritage.

So...I'm going to place the order for my own copy a bit later today. I'd love to read the book with some folks...any takers out there among my "readership" (all three of you!)?

Here's the link to the book:


Blogger Dr. KNS said...

Always up for some Willimon here.

10:59 AM  

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