Tosa Rector

The some time random but (mostly) theological offerings of a chatty preacher learning to use his words in a different medium.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Reading the Greek New Testament (In Public!)

I work on my sermons outside of the house and the office...usually at a coffee shop of some sort...I find the noise and chaos in those places energizing. The background noise actually helps to keep me focused on my work. Yes, it's counter-intuitive, but working out in the open like that simply infuses me with more energy that sitting alone in a room somewhere.

Anyway, today I was minding my own business happily surrounded by commentaries on the Epistle to the Romans and pondering a particular grammatical construction in my Greek New Testament, when the person sitting next to me asked me what I was reading. I said, "Paul's letter to the church at Rome." My neighbor then said, "Well, Paul was such a misogynist." (And promptly returned her reading.)

I think I managed a fair amount of self-restraint...I allowed about a minute and half to pass. Then I said, "I'll take on that statement if you'd like."

Then for the next 25 minutes, I had an opportunity to actually talk with someone about the Bible, politics, situational ethics and the state of public education. I'm guessing I didn't change her mind about Paul...but she did allow that she had not talked to a professed Christian who had actually read Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris (the three hot atheists these days).

For me, the fun of the chat was talking to someone who was well read (in spite of her remark about Paul!), intellectually open, unafraid to challenge a comment...and wasn't the least bit intimidated or impressed with my role as professional religious person.

I've joked to a few people since the discussion on this blog about "public ministry" that I've been thinking about going down to the local Starbucks in my collar and putting a sign on my table that says, "Ask me about religion." After today's conversation, that idea doesn't seem so far out.

In the meantime, I'm off to consider the implications of the inclusio at Romans 5:1 and 5:11.


Blogger Brad said...

WOW! This is great stuff. These are the type of conversations us newly reborn (4 years and counting) look for and also fear at the same time. Fear of not being properly equipped. Or so we may think, but is it possibly our or my still reluctant ability to totally trust God that indeed the Holy Spirit will lead me to the right words to say.

Part of the learning is not trying to win the "war" with the non-believing (as we so much desire to do) as it is not ours to win, but God's and God's alone. All we do is plant the seed, fertilize through prayer for the person, and through Gods grace we may hopefully one day see the fruit of a one time conversation.

A seed was indeed planted woman and who knows, maybe some day you will see her sitting in a pew looking for just a bit more.

11:00 PM  
Blogger FrGaryB said...

This conversation pointedly reminded me that there's a difference between "offering a defense" of the faith and being defensive.

5:26 AM  
Blogger Alexander said...

Sounds like some good stories might have come out of that encounter.

4:25 PM  

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