Tosa Rector

The some time random but (mostly) theological offerings of a chatty preacher learning to use his words in a different medium.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Global Positioning

Last week, there was a gathering in Jerusalem of Anglican bishops, priests and laypersons from all over the world. The result of that gathering (GAFCON -- "The Global Anglican Fellowship Conference -- ), was a statement entitled "The Jerusalem Declaration".

Conducted a scant few weeks before the once-every-decade gathering of Anglican bishops for the Lambeth Conference in England, the GAFCON meeting gave voice the complexities of Anglican polity and the significant differences in the ways in which Anglicans read the Scriptures and "do theology". The way forward for the Anglican Communion in the years ahead is either more muddled as a result of the Jerusalem Declaration, or the direction is clearer now -- depending on one's perspective.

When all of the conferences are done; when all of the communiques have been written, parsed, deconstructed, reconstructed and spun; what will be the result? Only God knows, I suspect.

From all manner of reports, statements, listening processes, canons and resolutions; from our own willfulness to prevail in a dispute and our anger in the midst of conflict.
Good Lord, deliver us.

Pray for the Church.


Blogger Alexander said...

I strongly suggest that anyone concerned about this matter should view the ABC's response to the GAFCON statement. It is excellent.

2:28 PM  
Blogger Dr. KNS said...

This is almost completely facetious, but every time I see or hear "GAFCON," I think it sounds like a pest-control product or something. It's not a good acronym, and as a former civil servant, I know my acronyms.

11:40 PM  

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