Tosa Rector

The some time random but (mostly) theological offerings of a chatty preacher learning to use his words in a different medium.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pleasing God?

What does it mean to live a life pleasing to God?
Indeed, can God be "pleased"?
Isn't this sort of language the epitome of projecting human characteristics upon the Divine?

Every now and then, the opening prayer (called the "Collect of the Day) assigned for a given Sunday in the Episcopal Church provokes me toward such questions. The prayer for tomorrow says, in part, "...and because in our weakness we can do nothing good without you, give us the help of your grace, that in keeping your commandments we may please you both in will and deed..."

I wonder how many of us consider ourselves so "weak" that we can do NOTHING good?

Theologically, I believe that God's Spirit supports and sustains us in the lives we live. I believe in God we "live and move and have our being". I believe that to become aware of our dependence upon God's presence in our lives (every moment of our lives!) is to begin to get an inkling of the ethereal nature of "grace". Perhaps we're in need of being reminded from time to time of our dependence upon God.

Perhaps this language of dependence is necessary to remind us that God is God and we are not. I wonder how such language impacts any understanding of human agency. Or maybe such language is simply pious-speak that floats over us in a few seconds during the liturgy. Tomorrow's prayer raises plenty of questions for me and maybe that's the point.

Sent from my iPad


Blogger karla said...

"Indeed, can God be "pleased"?
Isn't this sort of language the epitome of projecting human characteristics upon the Divine?"

I've wondered this, too. I used to believe, yes, he could be pleased. I once heard a prayer with words to the effect, "We believe the desire to please you does indeed please you." Not sure what I believe these days about the intersection (overlap?) of divine & human traits. It's hard not to make such projections what with vocabulary like God the Father. Still, you wonder, hope, wish? For and/or against such a possibility depending on the circumstances? What would it say about the nature of God to have that answer be yes or no? About our approach to God & our brotherss & sisters? Hmm...

1:04 AM  

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