Tosa Rector

The some time random but (mostly) theological offerings of a chatty preacher learning to use his words in a different medium.

Monday, April 18, 2011

A Homily Summary from Holy Monday
As a part of our Holy Week observance at Trinity, we have a brief service of Holy Eucharist on Holy Monday (today). The Gospel reading appointed for this liturgy is the Gospel of John's version of the woman who pours costly perfume on Jesus. In John's telling, the woman is Mary, sister of Lazarus (who Jesus raised from the dead). In all of the Gospels which record this extravagant act of giving, one or more people criticize the act as being "wasteful". Couldn't the expensive and precious ointment have been sold and the money given to the poor for their benefit?

Here in the Upper Midwest, such practical frugality is applauded.
Don't waste!
Be judicious!
Benefit the most with the least!

But the woman demonstrates to us
That sometimes,
Prudence must be laid aside
In an extravagant act of love.

As I reflected upon the woman's gift to Jesus, I kept thinking of how, in the Church, we've turned Holy Week into some sort of endurance contest. We're constantly inviting each other to take care of ourselves, not get too stressed, and to remember that "Holy Week will be over soon and then we can get some rest."

We seem to have forgotten that Holy Week is why the Church is "in business". The events we will commemorate this week are the formative events of the faith. Why are we always telling ourselves to "take it easy"?

Here's what I hope.
I hope that I can so fully
Enter into the Mystery of this Week
That by the time the liturgies of Easter Day
Are completed
I will be fully emptied.
Out of gas.
Used up.
I hope I am able
To fully let go and lavish
My worship upon Jesus.
Somehow, this seems appropriate.
After all, he lavished his life upon me.


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