Tosa Rector

The some time random but (mostly) theological offerings of a chatty preacher learning to use his words in a different medium.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Off to Chicago

In a few minutes, I'll be taking the short trip from Wauwatosa to the Windy City. And hopefully, the usual traffic snarls (coupled with the perpetual construction that exists around Chicago in the summer) will be manageable. During this trip I will be attending the annual gathering of a group known as "The Ekklesia Project".

This is the third EP Gathering I've attended and I'm looking forward to the energy that occurs when Christians of all sorts -- Mainliners and Catholics; Evangelicals and Emergents; House Church People and Liturgical Church People (to name a few) get together to talk about what it means to be friends who are followers of Jesus on The Way.

You can read more about the group and its work here:

This year's theme is "Crossing the Divide: Race, Racism and the Body of Christ".

I'm not sure about the "wireless" situation at DePaul University, but if I have a moment (and a signal!) I'll be sure to post something. I'll be returning to Wauwatosa late Wednesday evening -- no doubt full of new ideas and carrying a few new books!


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