Tosa Rector

The some time random but (mostly) theological offerings of a chatty preacher learning to use his words in a different medium.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Learning in Community

As a person who regularly stands in front of groups of people to "say stuff", I am constantly amazed at the level of engagement I witness in the faces of the people who are sitting in the crowd listening to the stuff I'm saying.

Sometimes I wish
I would have said stuff better.
Or more clearly.
Other times I wish
I would have left stuff unsaid.
Or had said it
With a bit more sensitivity.

The great news about learning within a community is the one who is supposedly the teacher actually becomes a learner. I always learn more in the process of presenting to people than I would have learned otherwise. An engaged group challenges me to be engaged myself. The questions which arise are always more interesting than the answers I think I might have.

This is the gift of Church --
A group of learners,
Following the Master Teacher,
Learn from each other
Under the guidance of the Spirit.

Sent from my iPad


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