Tosa Rector

The some time random but (mostly) theological offerings of a chatty preacher learning to use his words in a different medium.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Paid Religious Professional

Some days, I wear the collar
Because I need the reminder --
"You're under orders!"
(As in "ordained").

Other days, I don acetate,
Because I will function in
A "sacramental role"...
Black shirt and white collar required!

And then there are other days...
When I show up with a
different role -- that of
the paid religious professional.

My job on these days?
Act priestly enough to add a dash
Of gravitas to the proceedings, but
Not so religious as to make anyone

The day unfolds.
Lots of conversations and dialogue,
Discussing and deciding.
No overt religious talk, though after the invocation.

Prayer, like strong medicine, need only
Occupy the tiniest and most unobtrusive of spaces.

Prayer like a hair care product of the 1950's
Must be dispensed in "dabs"...
That'll do ya!

So how important is this ministry?
My ministry as an inoffensive anachronism?
I wonder. And I'm aware at
How easily I provide what is expected,
A brief prayer for guidance...

And then the meeting unfolds,
Unimpeded and unfazed by any Gospel challenge
To the way things
Have been done;
Or are done;
Or will be done.

With so many plans,
Who needs prayer?

Midway through the day,
I become aware of my own complicity in
Perpetuating the role of
The paid religious professional,
Whose primary role in such meetings is

Kyrie eleison.


Blogger Unknown said...

Based on yesterday's post, perhaps we can develop some software that sends a hologram of you when you're just an ornament. We could coordinate it with your calendar so you can double book yourself - Pastoral Overbooking and Ornamentation Program (POOP) Very efficient.

5:59 AM  

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