Tosa Rector

The some time random but (mostly) theological offerings of a chatty preacher learning to use his words in a different medium.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Budget Repair in Church?

What is the role of the Church in times of heated political debate?
Silent prayer? Business as usual? Advocacy?
Pretending events of the "outside world" are concerns of others?
(As if people who comprise the Church aren't in the middle of such concerns!)

"No politics in Church!"
We preachers hear that mantra all the time.
Check your political beliefs at the door!
Church is the place to attend to one's spiritual life!
Church is to be a place of safety and security!
Church is to be a place of peacefulness!
Church is the refuge from the raucousness of debate!
Just preach the Gospel, preacher!
(As if the Gospel has no bearing upon the politics of human relationships!)

"All politics are local," the saying goes.
I've certainly seen that slogan writ large over the past few days.
Budget repair.
Collective bargaining.
Wages and benefits.
Plenty of issues.
Plenty of opinions.
I have some opinions on the issues myself.

How am I to preach the Good News of God's salvation...
As if it is separate and distinct from the lives people live?
This coming Sunday,
Will I preach an escapist, individualistic Gospel?
(The Gospel of being a "nice" person with good manners!)
Can I stick to the prescribed script and check the politics at the door?
After all, saying nothing overtly political does
In and of itself, make a political (and theological) statement, doesn't it?


Blogger karla said...

"After all, saying nothing overtly political does
In and of itself, make a political (and theological) statement, doesn't it?"

Yup. Good luck, again.

12:46 AM  

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